Comic Book Chronicles Ep. 289: Icey Friends…GO FOR IT!

Comic Book Chronicles is now on Spotify! Now that we have your attention, it was another good week of comic books. For those of a certain vintage, Iceman #3 harkens back to some fun times. For those who like Geddon their Spider on, there was Spider-Geddon #3. For those who like to keep it nerdy…well, that’s this whole show, but there was also Champions #26, among other things. Agent_70 and Roddykat go through a good bulk of them along with generous portions of cinematic and comic book news! Oh hey, Toys R Us rises from the grave under the umbrella of a different store and Amazon gives you back those old toy catalog feels.

As we proceed to give you what you need, #kliqsoftheweek get live, mother brother!

Comics reviewed this week include:

  • Doctor Strange #7
  • Spider-Geddon #3
  • Infinity Wars #5
  • Champions #26
  • Iceman #3 –#kliqoftheweek
  • Batman #58
  • Star Wars: Han Solo – Imperial Cadet #1
  • Star Wars #56
  • The Green Lantern #1
  • Death of the Inhumans #5
  • Immortal Hulk #8 –#kliqoftheweek
  • Marvel Knights 20th #1 –#kliqoftheweek